Gifts from Your Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

A special gift opportunity for individuals 70½ years and older.
African American Couple at Beach

Gifts from your IRA (Qualified Charitable Distributions)

If you are 70 ½ years or older and have a traditional IRA, 您有资格从您的个人退休账户直接免税捐赠给美国心脏协会,称为合格慈善分配(QCD)。. Generally speaking, 这些礼物是免税的,是今年支持美国心脏协会的一种更明智的方式.

For those aged 72 and older, 合资格的慈善分配可计算在你所要求的最低分配内, allowing you to use your IRA to support heart healthy lives today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.

Thanks to the Legacy IRA Act, the annual qualified charitable distribution (QCD) limit of $100,000 is now indexed for direct gifts to charity. 年龄在70岁半或以上的个人可以从他们的个人退休账户中直接向慈善机构捐款,而不必申报收入.

The American Heart Association works with FreeWill, making it easy for you to donate from your IRA.


  • It’s a tax-efficient way to make an impact. 因为分配不属于应税收入,它实际上是一种慈善扣除.
  • 你可以把你的礼物直接捐给美国心脏协会的特定基金或目的.
  • 对于72岁及以上的人,分配可以计算在您的年度所需最低分配(RMD)中.
  • 对于70岁半以上的人来说,这是一个特殊的机会,每年可以捐赠10万美元.

How It Works

  1. 通知您的个人退休账户保管人将您的个人退休账户的赠与金额直接转移到美国心脏协会. 或者简单地使用我们的在线平台快速安全地制作您的礼物.
  2. 获得美国心脏协会的书面确认(不同于税收减免收据),以享受免税待遇.

Ready to get started?

Make a QCD Gift Online

older man sitting at table at home working on a laptop


Make a QCD Gift by Phone or Mail

older woman sitting in chair at home talking on the phone


Already made a QCD gift and need a tax acknowledgment letter?

older woman standing outside at home reading a letter

如果您已经向美国心脏协会捐赠了QCD,我们感谢您的支持! If you have not yet received your tax acknowledgement letter, 请报告您的礼物细节,以便我们核实您的礼物并为您提供您的信件.

Resources to Help You Make Your Gift


Donor Spotlight: Charles and Debbie Earl

11年前,查尔斯和黛比·厄尔自豪地成为了双胞胎女儿艾比和艾米的祖父母. Abby was born healthy. Emmy was born with a hole in her thumb-sized heart. Just days old, she underwent her first heart surgery. Five months later, she needed another one. “我们知道她前面的路会很艰难,”黛比说. That’s when the Earls, 自从查尔斯自己患有心脏病并在几年前心脏病发作以来,他一直偶尔向美国心脏协会捐款, 决定做出更重大的财务承诺,以造福心脏病患者.

在其他捐赠中,伯爵们开始通过他们的退休账户每年捐款. 这些年度合格慈善分配(qcd)是节税的, count towards their annual required minimum distribution. And because a QCD can be directed to a specific fund or purpose, 这让伯爵夫妇知道,他们的钱是用来支持研究的,有一天,这些研究可能会让艾米和其他患有这种疾病的人受益. “We wanted to provide Emmy the best chance for survival, and in our mind, 最好的办法是把钱捐给美国心脏协会,专门用于儿科心血管健康的研究,这样她和其他人就能从中受益.”

Additional Information

Transferring Your Gift


Checks -请将合格慈善捐款的支票邮寄至:美国心脏协会, Attn: Revenue Department, 7272 Greenville Ave., Dallas, TX 75231

Cash Transfers – Please call 888-227-5242 to be connected to a representative.

作为合格的慈善分配,从您的个人退休账户中转移股票或共同基金 – visit 并选择股票或共同基金(如适用),以收到完整的转账指示,以使您的礼物.

Online Forms – you can begin your forms online at 您也可以打印空白表格,手工填写或通过电话与您的财务管理人处理.

The Legacy IRA Act

The Legacy IRA Act, as part of the SECURE Act 2.《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》于2023年12月通过, 为70岁半的捐赠者创造了新的慈善捐赠计划机会. 符合年龄要求的个人现在可以进行最高100美元的合格慈善捐款,000 per year from one or more traditional IRAs outright to charity. 《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》还扩大了合格慈善分配的定义,允许IRA所有者一次性分配至多50美元,000 for a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust.

For Any Age

No matter your age, 你可以指定美国心脏协会作为你个人退休账户的全部或部分受益人,在你死后这笔钱将免税转给我们.

For More Information

如果您对个人退休帐户的好处有任何进一步的问题,请发电子邮件 [email protected] or call 888-227-5242.